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Insights, tweets and photos from Smart Media Technologies
Should Ad Agencies Even Be Called Ad Agencies Anymore?
Sep 27, 2017 Smart Media
Marketers say they need a better way to explain what they do. That sentiment may seem alarmist, but it echoed across the two panels that opened this year’s Advertising Week in New York with a deceptively simple question: What is advertising, and how do we define the agencies that make it? Read more -
What is a demand-side platform (DSP) ?
Aug 30, 2016 Smart Media
“A demand-side platform (DSP) is a system that allows buyers of digital advertising inventory to manage multiple ad exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface. Real-time bidding for displaying online ads takes place within the ad exchanges, and by utilising a DSP, marketers can manage their bids for the banners and the pricing for … Continued Read more
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OOH Events at 2017 Advertising Week
Oct 2, 2017 Smart MediaThis year’s Advertising Week is jam packed with informative and fun events. Beginning Monday, September 25 and finishing on the following Friday, the activities include breakfasts and receptions, workshops and panels, boot camps, an array of networking opportunities. Read more -
‘It’s a game changer’: The new iPhone has marketers bullish on augmented reality
Sep 29, 2017 Smart MediaMarketers are bullish on augmented reality, with both Apple and Google embracing it. Lowe's, Ikea and Cambria are a few brands already toying with their own apps. Brands expect AR to take off because it has a lower barrier to entry and can be scaled easily. Read more
How media planning will evolve in the age of AI
Sep 22, 2017 Smart MediaPaul Silver, Media iQ, chief operating officer, maintains that media planning tools are not fit for purpose in a digital age. Here he outlines how three key principles necessary to successful evolution in an era increasingly defined by: data management; processing; and activation. Read more
Sep 19, 2017 Smart MediaCompressing all of artificial intelligence (AI) into 10 “moments to remember” isn’t easy. With hundreds of research labs and thousands of computer scientists, compiling a list of every landmark achievement would be, well, a job for a smart algorithm to handle. Read more
Three ways in which AI will change content marketing
Sep 12, 2017 Smart MediaNew technology doesn’t arrive in a neatly packaged bundle like a gift under the tree on Christmas morning. It comes in fits and starts, in huge leaps followed by sideways steps; an incremental improvement here, a seismic shift there. So it is with artificial intelligence, a technology that has been threatening to disrupt the way businesses approach marketing for years. Read more
What is a demand-side platform (DSP) ?
Aug 30, 2016 Smart Media“A demand-side platform (DSP) is a system that allows buyers of digital advertising inventory to manage multiple ad exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface. Real-time bidding for displaying online ads takes place within the ad exchanges, and by utilising a DSP, marketers can manage their bids for the banners and the pricing for … Continued Read more
Aug 22, 2016 Smart Media“How do ad exchanges work, and do they differ from ad networks or supply-side platforms? Billions of dollars are transacted on digital ad exchanges annually. Ad exchanges make it possible for advertisers, agencies and ad networks (You can read more about ad networks here) to buy digital ads across a number of publisher sites in … Continued Read more
What is a demand-side platform (DSP)?
Aug 11, 2016 Smart Media“Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) are used by digital advertising buyers — advertisers, agencies, ad networks — to help them manage programmatic ad buying across ad exchanges. In this installment of Marketing Land’s MarTech Landscape Series, we explain what DSPs are and why ad buyers use them.” Martech Landscape: What is a demand-side platform (DSP)? Read more
Welcome to the era of programmable marketing
Aug 1, 2016 Smart Media“Last week, I stood onstage at Mobile World Congress and gave my take on the current state of programmatic advertising. Despite rapid growth, programmatic’s current report-card is decidedly mixed. On the one hand, our industry has delivered well on its pledge to bring scale and efficiency to digital marketing. But in other ways, programmatic still … Continued Read more
AppNexus CEO Brian O’Kelley on the rise of ‘programmable marketing’
Jul 17, 2016 Smart MediaThe Internet (capital I) is now the internet (small i). It’s more than a question of semantics or grammar. The programmatic Internet of 2006 was largely static and one-dimensional; it was built for the world of standardised web pages and early email tools. AppNexus CEO Brian O’Kelley on the rise of ‘programmable marketing’ Read more
Jun 20, 2016 Smart MediaWorlds apart from my cosy co-working space in Dumbo, I headed uptown near Grand Central Station to the New York office of PHD. As a global media agency, I was set to pose my hypothesis to Vice President and Group Account Director Briony McCarthy, and to gather an agency perspective on my follies in startup … Continued Read more
In an era of programmatic, what should media agencies do next?
Jun 12, 2016 Smart Media“The media agency’s business model is broken. This predicament has been the talk of the agency sector since the beginning of the year. The debate has also been fuelled by the brutal analysis of former Mediacom CEO Jon Mandel.” https://medium.com/still-day-one/in-an-era-of-programmatic-what-should-media-agencies-do-next-ba2d0bd8270f#.ra6yi9so8 Read more
The Washington, aka Jeff Bezos, Invests in Adtech
May 20, 2016 Attila VamosRead more
Digital OOH Advertising is Ready for Programmatic Buying. Or at Least Almost Ready.
May 18, 2016 Attila VamosThe author asked five well-known industry professionals who use the latest tech innovations in out of home (OOH) ad campaigns about the state of programmatic in OOH. https://oaaathoughtleadership.com/2016/04/12/the-state-of-programmatic-in-ooh-advertising-by-nurlan-urazbaev/ Read more
An operating model for company-wide agile development
May 4, 2016 Attila Vamoshttp://www.mckinsey.com/Business-Functions/Business-Technology/Our-Insights/An-operating-model-for-company-wide-agile Read more
IT transformation Advertising giant deepens drive into data analytics
Apr 21, 2016 Smart MediaWPP appoints Robin Dargue as group CIO to lead IT transformation Advertising giant deepens drive into data analytics. Global advertising agency WPP has appointed Robin Dargue as its group CIO, a newly created role. David Nicoll, who has been with WPP since June 1994 and became the company’s parent company CIO in June 1999, will … Continued Read more
Mar 7, 2016 Smart MediaFor 2016, we’ve rounded up the top ad tech experts, executives, marketers, and publishers in the advertising industry to give us their thoughts about the current news and concerns in their field. For our first installment, we’re honored to have Richard Iwanik-Marques, Vice President of Marketing for Revcontent, answer our questions about the current ad … Continued Read more -
Mar 3, 2016 Smart MediaA Magyar Reklámszövetség társzövetségeivel együtt az Evolution 2016 konferencián ismertette a 2015-ös reklámköltési adatokat. Kiderült: élénkül a piac. – See more at: http://www.digitalhungary.hu/e-volution/Evolution-2016-novekedett-a-reklamkoltes-elenkul-a-piac/2596/#sthash.Z3ZY0l1t.dpuf Read more
Quiet Revolution in Ad Tech
Mar 1, 2016 Smart MediaAd tech’s technically dense language is propelled by disruptive algorithms and technology that attracted a lot of investor money very fast. In the boom, ad-tech black-box solutions with business models like SaaS or platform licenses were launched at a staggering rate, bringing along with them a confusing landscape exacerbated by confused language. Read more -
Feb 1, 2016 Smart MediaMediaocean, the leading software platform provider for the advertising world, announced that it has acquired BCC AdSystems in Australia. The acquisition will allow Mediaocean to provide its growing international customer base with a global workflow, billing, and payments software solution that enables them to plan, buy, manage, and reconcile media anywhere in the world. Read more
OOH Events at 2017 Advertising Week
Oct 2, 2017 Smart MediaThis year’s Advertising Week is jam packed with informative and fun events. Beginning Monday, September 25 and finishing on the following Friday, the activities include breakfasts and receptions, workshops and panels, boot camps, an array of networking opportunities. Read more
‘It’s a game changer’: The new iPhone has marketers bullish on augmented reality
Sep 29, 2017 Smart MediaMarketers are bullish on augmented reality, with both Apple and Google embracing it. Lowe's, Ikea and Cambria are a few brands already toying with their own apps. Brands expect AR to take off because it has a lower barrier to entry and can be scaled easily. Read more
How media planning will evolve in the age of AI
Sep 22, 2017 Smart MediaPaul Silver, Media iQ, chief operating officer, maintains that media planning tools are not fit for purpose in a digital age. Here he outlines how three key principles necessary to successful evolution in an era increasingly defined by: data management; processing; and activation. Read more
Sep 19, 2017 Smart MediaCompressing all of artificial intelligence (AI) into 10 “moments to remember” isn’t easy. With hundreds of research labs and thousands of computer scientists, compiling a list of every landmark achievement would be, well, a job for a smart algorithm to handle. Read more
Three ways in which AI will change content marketing
Sep 12, 2017 Smart MediaNew technology doesn’t arrive in a neatly packaged bundle like a gift under the tree on Christmas morning. It comes in fits and starts, in huge leaps followed by sideways steps; an incremental improvement here, a seismic shift there. So it is with artificial intelligence, a technology that has been threatening to disrupt the way businesses approach marketing for years. Read more
What is a demand-side platform (DSP) ?
Aug 30, 2016 Smart Media“A demand-side platform (DSP) is a system that allows buyers of digital advertising inventory to manage multiple ad exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface. Real-time bidding for displaying online ads takes place within the ad exchanges, and by utilising a DSP, marketers can manage their bids for the banners and the pricing for … Continued Read more
Aug 22, 2016 Smart Media“How do ad exchanges work, and do they differ from ad networks or supply-side platforms? Billions of dollars are transacted on digital ad exchanges annually. Ad exchanges make it possible for advertisers, agencies and ad networks (You can read more about ad networks here) to buy digital ads across a number of publisher sites in … Continued Read more
What is a demand-side platform (DSP)?
Aug 11, 2016 Smart Media“Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) are used by digital advertising buyers — advertisers, agencies, ad networks — to help them manage programmatic ad buying across ad exchanges. In this installment of Marketing Land’s MarTech Landscape Series, we explain what DSPs are and why ad buyers use them.” Martech Landscape: What is a demand-side platform (DSP)? Read more
Welcome to the era of programmable marketing
Aug 1, 2016 Smart Media“Last week, I stood onstage at Mobile World Congress and gave my take on the current state of programmatic advertising. Despite rapid growth, programmatic’s current report-card is decidedly mixed. On the one hand, our industry has delivered well on its pledge to bring scale and efficiency to digital marketing. But in other ways, programmatic still … Continued Read more
AppNexus CEO Brian O’Kelley on the rise of ‘programmable marketing’
Jul 17, 2016 Smart MediaThe Internet (capital I) is now the internet (small i). It’s more than a question of semantics or grammar. The programmatic Internet of 2006 was largely static and one-dimensional; it was built for the world of standardised web pages and early email tools. AppNexus CEO Brian O’Kelley on the rise of ‘programmable marketing’ Read more
Jun 20, 2016 Smart MediaWorlds apart from my cosy co-working space in Dumbo, I headed uptown near Grand Central Station to the New York office of PHD. As a global media agency, I was set to pose my hypothesis to Vice President and Group Account Director Briony McCarthy, and to gather an agency perspective on my follies in startup … Continued Read more
In an era of programmatic, what should media agencies do next?
Jun 12, 2016 Smart Media“The media agency’s business model is broken. This predicament has been the talk of the agency sector since the beginning of the year. The debate has also been fuelled by the brutal analysis of former Mediacom CEO Jon Mandel.” https://medium.com/still-day-one/in-an-era-of-programmatic-what-should-media-agencies-do-next-ba2d0bd8270f#.ra6yi9so8 Read more
Digital OOH Advertising is Ready for Programmatic Buying. Or at Least Almost Ready.
May 18, 2016 Attila VamosThe author asked five well-known industry professionals who use the latest tech innovations in out of home (OOH) ad campaigns about the state of programmatic in OOH. https://oaaathoughtleadership.com/2016/04/12/the-state-of-programmatic-in-ooh-advertising-by-nurlan-urazbaev/ Read more
An operating model for company-wide agile development
May 4, 2016 Attila Vamoshttp://www.mckinsey.com/Business-Functions/Business-Technology/Our-Insights/An-operating-model-for-company-wide-agile Read more
IT transformation Advertising giant deepens drive into data analytics
Apr 21, 2016 Smart MediaWPP appoints Robin Dargue as group CIO to lead IT transformation Advertising giant deepens drive into data analytics. Global advertising agency WPP has appointed Robin Dargue as its group CIO, a newly created role. David Nicoll, who has been with WPP since June 1994 and became the company’s parent company CIO in June 1999, will … Continued Read more
Mar 7, 2016 Smart MediaFor 2016, we’ve rounded up the top ad tech experts, executives, marketers, and publishers in the advertising industry to give us their thoughts about the current news and concerns in their field. For our first installment, we’re honored to have Richard Iwanik-Marques, Vice President of Marketing for Revcontent, answer our questions about the current ad … Continued Read more
Mar 3, 2016 Smart MediaA Magyar Reklámszövetség társzövetségeivel együtt az Evolution 2016 konferencián ismertette a 2015-ös reklámköltési adatokat. Kiderült: élénkül a piac. – See more at: http://www.digitalhungary.hu/e-volution/Evolution-2016-novekedett-a-reklamkoltes-elenkul-a-piac/2596/#sthash.Z3ZY0l1t.dpuf Read more
Quiet Revolution in Ad Tech
Mar 1, 2016 Smart MediaAd tech’s technically dense language is propelled by disruptive algorithms and technology that attracted a lot of investor money very fast. In the boom, ad-tech black-box solutions with business models like SaaS or platform licenses were launched at a staggering rate, bringing along with them a confusing landscape exacerbated by confused language. Read more
Feb 1, 2016 Smart MediaMediaocean, the leading software platform provider for the advertising world, announced that it has acquired BCC AdSystems in Australia. The acquisition will allow Mediaocean to provide its growing international customer base with a global workflow, billing, and payments software solution that enables them to plan, buy, manage, and reconcile media anywhere in the world. Read more
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The aim of Smart Media Technologies is to assist media and advertising market participants with an administration software for internal management to arrange everyday activities and support the automatization, systematization and transparency of industry processes.

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